zelina world nadoby
Zelina world Rastlinné svety

The Zelina Worlds are plant terrariums with stories. They represent a living art form, which changes in front of your eyes. They breathe, drink, absorb and grow, but most importantly, they express. I create each World as a story inspired by the bizarreness and beauty of everyday life.

Zelina world Rastlinné svety

The Zelina Worlds are closed plant ecosystems with their own water cycle. They are stored in a glass container, thus creating an atmosphere for preserving water. When humidity reaches its peak, water drops form on the inner glass wall, keeping the plants inside happy and hydrated. Therefore, unlike the usual indoor plants, there is no need for frequent watering.

Zelina world Rastlinné svety

The Zelina Worlds are not just ordinary plant terrariums Each of them has its story and idea. The terrarium plants are accompanied by tiny figurines and miniatures, creating various life-like situations. A child lost in the woods, smash-up in the jungle, a man yelling at a tree or an injured deer. The worlds are like life – sad and happy, but most importantly, real and lively.

Plant terrarium

The Zelina Worlds are plant terrariums with stories. They represent a living art form, which changes in front of your eyes. They breathe, drink, absorb and grow, but most importantly, they express. I create each World as a story inspired by the bizarreness and beauty of everyday life.

Gift for your employees

Creative way to impress your hosts at an event or to gift your employees. We offer you The Zelina Worlds in multiple sizes! Furthermore, using 3D printing, we can make you a custom logo, models of buildings, cars or an object of your interest, which will be a part of the ordered terrariums.


To entertain hosts at events can be a challenging matter. How about teaching them about plants, and encouraging playfulness and creativity with stories created by them during a workshop?

We also offer ONLINE workshops.

Plant walls

  • 100% maintenance-free
  • original presentation of your company’s story
  • an opportunity to 3D-print your building(s)
  • a creative way to represent your company
  • from tiny to large-scale versions